Each year at our National Conference, ANROSP member programs are recognized with awards for program, educational materials, volunteer project, program evaluation, and outstanding teamwork. Members are encouraged to nominate themselves, their program, group or volunteers for these annual awards. Award applications are due August 31st. The winners will be announced at the conference and invited to deliver a brief presentation describing their achievements. More information and submission instructions can be found on the conference website.
There are 5 ANROSP Award categories.
Program of the Year- last 12 months of the program's history considered.
Outstanding Educational Materials- evaluated on: content, editing, graphics/soundtrack, Design
Outstanding Volunteer Project- Natural resources management, education, research, partners, and sustainability
Outstanding Program Evaluation- Documentation, Yearly comparisons, Evaluations for all aspects of program, Evaluation results, Repeatability
Outstanding Team- Leadership, Dedication, Creativity, Synergy, Evaluation, Performance, Other factors
Awards are given to member programs. Please nominate today.
Visit: https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/National-Conference (scroll to bottom of page)
Deadline to submit award applications: August 31, 2020